You need ideas. We have ideas. So here’s how we get the ideas into your head:
It starts with a BRAIN DUMP. That’s your brain dumping on us. You use the form on the “Contact Us” page to tell us what we need to know to get going. You might need us for something very specific. Or maybe just clever ideas on a general concept. We love it all. You share what you need, click the button, and then get coffee, play sudoku, put out work fires, or whatever you’d like to do while the UberClever thinkers begin our…
IDEA TIME. We play the “Mission: Impossible” theme music and decide if yours is a mission we choose to accept.  If we do, we put on our powerful, shiny, and e’er so chic thinking caps and get to work coming up with ideas for you. That’s really all we can say about our process to ensure the preservation of our reputations. Our methods are super-secret, tremendously complicated, carbohydrate-powered, and sometimes — nay, frequently — amusing. Once we’ve crafted ideas for you, we’ll get back in touch with you.  And that’s just how easy it is!

If you find you’d like to talk with us to work on an idea (or a bunch of them), just let us know and we’ll send you information on how to set up a MIND MELD. This is time we can talk live to expand those particularly perfect ideas we’ve birthed for you or nurture them together. Or we can use one of the ideas we came up with for you as a launching pad for all of us to come up with new ones together.

If you’re looking for something creative, groovy, and productive to do with your team,  set up a half-day or day-long idea crafting session!  One of the UberClever thinkers will come to share our idea crafting method with you (it’s like brainstorming, but on steroids, more fun, and way more useful).  It’s a hands-on, brains-on day that can change the way you think together.